Case Study

Real Estate Brokerage

This Real Estate Brokerage came into our program as a brand new business.  Not really sure where to go or how to start generating revenue.  Here is their story…


How We’ll Increase Revenue by Over 306% In One Year

This is a small Real Estate Brokerage, building it’s team and learning how to generete leads and ultimately revenue.  With a fresh foundation, ready to be molded, The Inc. Academy came in to help build.  We created a roadmap to build it’s team and projected the new annual revenue targets.

Stay tuned to find out what happens!



Time To Take It

To The Next Level


When we started with this Real Estate Brokerage, like most businesses, we knew there would be some ups and downs as it grew.   But it didnt quite know how to put it all together. It simply wasn’t growing fast enough.  So, our goal was reasonable, especially in the real estate market.  If we hit that, we would have increased their revenue 298% from the prior year and profit by 367%!

Challenge accepted!


Using a combination of strategies and tactics derived from our eLearning system, we got to work.  By creating some strategic advantages and a customized roadmap – we are expecting some amazing results!

We can’t wait to see what happens after working with us for just 6 months years!

What exactly are we doing for them? Schedule your session to find out!

Number of Available Strategies


Number of Strategies Implemented


Number of Enrolled Agents


Target Revenue Increase (%)


Target Profit Increase (%)


And Then…

Here’s What Happened!

The Story

Unfortunately, we didn’t hit our profit increase targets for this real estate firm!  However, we more than made up for it with everything else.  Not only did the gross revenue land just shy of our target, but we were able to help this real estate firm add 8 additional agents!  All of that growth came with some added expenses that took away from our profit.  But well worth it for this growth!

We can’t wait to adjust and see what happens!

Number of Enrolled Agents


Actual Revenue Increase (%)


Actual Profit Increase (%)
